In 1992 an FBI agent named Lon Horiuchi was issued an unlawful and unConstitutional set of Rules of Engagement1, and in following this ROE, he wound up shooting an unarmed woman — a woman not only unarmed, but holding a baby — in the face. He was never held accountable for this.
In 1993, a bunch of religious nut-jobs in Waco got stupid. During the resulting siege, the FBI managed to piss off the Texas Rangers to the point that the Rangers pulled out2. In the resulting course of events, the compound became engulfed in flames, leading to the death of 28 children. Afterwards the FBI agents pinky-swore that they hadn’t used any pyrotechnic rounds — to the point that they swore this under oath.
The Texas Rangers found multiple Flite-Rite CS3 grenades in the rubble, but the FBI continually maintained that they hadn’t used any munitions that involved flames. In 1999 — six years later — the FBI admitted that, well yes they had used pyrotechnic Flite-Rite grenades at Waco, but only in a “water-filled construction pit”.
The Rangers said they found the Flite-Rite grenades inside the living areas, but — I know you’ll be shocked to hear this — the FBI records regarding anything to do with pyrotechnic rounds at that incident had … disappeared. No Feebie was ever held accountable for the multiple years of lying under oath about the use of pyrotechnics.
In 2015 the FBI was informed by the President of USA Gymnastics that three of the female gymnasts had reported being sexually assaulted by the team doctor. The FBI didn’t bother to open an investigation. In the fall of 2016, the Michigan State University PD arrested the team doctor, and notified the FBI. In the 14 months between the FBI being notified, and the MSU PD arresting the critter there were another 70 to 120 rapes conducted by the team doctor.
The Feebie who should have been involved then proceeded to lie about the investigation that he never conducted, to the point of forging victim statements4. When called onto the carpet about his unlawful activity — he retired. The FBI then declined to pursue any legal action against him.
In 2015, two rabid Islamists decided to get their jihad on at a Mohammad Cartoon showing in Garland, Texas. They were followed by an undercover FBI agent, who was just there to take pictures while they shot up the place. The Feebie didn’t expect his little bugsnipes to get into a firefight with a Garland PD officer, so he took off like a striped-arse ape5, leaving his brother officer — who sure could have used the backup — with his sidearm against two rifles. The agent who abandoned his fellow LEO, and who apparently was just there to take pictures of an on-going massacre — never suffered any sanctions for his cowardice.
These are just some of the egregious unlawful actions taken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in their history; unlawful actions that resulted in rapes, injuries, and unnecessary deaths of multiple people who should have been under the protection of the FBI.
You don’t like the FBI because they got sloppy with their politicisation. I hate the FBI because they commit Aggravated Perjury, Tamper With Evidence, practice Forgery of Witness Statements, Manslaughter, Negligent Homicide, Enabling of Terrorism, and allow the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault of teenage girls without suffering any sanctions, consequences, or repercussions.
We are not the same.
“We also found serious problems with the terms of the Rules of Engagement in force at Ruby Ridge. Certain portions of these Rules not only departed from the FBI's standard deadly force policy but also contravened the Constitution of the United States. In addition, we found these Rules to be imprecise and believe that they may have created an atmosphere that encouraged the use of deadly force thereby having the effect of contributing to an unintentional death.”
“Captain Byrnes reported that the Rangers' relationship with the FBI command post deteriorated rapidly. Numerous Rangers complained to him that SAC Jamar and others in the command post had treated them rudely. The Rangers eventually pulled out of what they considered a hostile atmosphere.”
Very pyrotechnic.
J. Edgar's grave should have a public urinal installed atop it. Because this shit goes all the way back to him.
The Fibbies also swore in Waco that their snipers hadn't shot anyone.
One sniper post was manned by Horiuchi. The Rangers found spent casings consistent with FBI issue sniper rifles in that sniper post, and requested Horiuchi's weapon for testing.
When they got it it had been re-barreled.