I'm sure you've looked into the Carnivore diet? I've been researching for my various issues and traumas because of the long term healing that they are finding that it does. I have yet to "Adult up" and go full carnivore, but I've been Keto for 6 years and Low Carb for 10 years before that. So, Carnivore will likely be the next step to truly get the healing I need.
And kudos for the deadlift! One of my sons just sent a vid of him doing 315 on the dead lift, and he is much younger than you.
The healthiest I've been since I turned 40 was when I was religiously on a High Fat/Low Carb diet. We're trying to get back to that, but it's expensive and hard to do.
I can send you some channels with budget ideas for it? I'll send them private. It doesn't have to break the bank. But, I agree (as the cook in the house) that it can be hard to do, because it all takes time and that's a big rock to hurdle when you are tired all the time.
I'm not an orthopedic surgeon but I hope you are not making your shoulder worse?
Coach Carmen also rehabs injuries. She's very careful about what lifts she'll let me do.
I'm sure you've looked into the Carnivore diet? I've been researching for my various issues and traumas because of the long term healing that they are finding that it does. I have yet to "Adult up" and go full carnivore, but I've been Keto for 6 years and Low Carb for 10 years before that. So, Carnivore will likely be the next step to truly get the healing I need.
And kudos for the deadlift! One of my sons just sent a vid of him doing 315 on the dead lift, and he is much younger than you.
The healthiest I've been since I turned 40 was when I was religiously on a High Fat/Low Carb diet. We're trying to get back to that, but it's expensive and hard to do.
I can send you some channels with budget ideas for it? I'll send them private. It doesn't have to break the bank. But, I agree (as the cook in the house) that it can be hard to do, because it all takes time and that's a big rock to hurdle when you are tired all the time.