First, one should know the local laws concerning the use of deadly force and additionally regardless of the legality of your use of deadly force the possible outcomes if you "win". Or to make things simpler for the dawdler or indecisive, wait until the immediacy of such an encounter is staring you in the face and ask yourself the simple question, "Do I die now, or do I live?". Do what you must if the answer is "I live".
Living in deep blue Illinois, the calculus is made more complex. A person has to weigh his/her choices against the likely action of the County/State. Truly good advice to think ahead.
The answers to those questions form one of the reasons I seek to relocate to Texas. I've had some MF'er steal my car when I was two house payments away from Bankruptcy. When the cops found it abandoned, there was plenty of evidence that additional crimes had been committed by use of my property. Car thieves never just do the one crime. (Of course, Cops in Washington have little interest in investigating, once a car is found, they'll even threaten to tow and impound it on you.)
Property rights are one of the foundations of civilization. Thievery is an assault on civilization itself, not just the victim.
First, one should know the local laws concerning the use of deadly force and additionally regardless of the legality of your use of deadly force the possible outcomes if you "win". Or to make things simpler for the dawdler or indecisive, wait until the immediacy of such an encounter is staring you in the face and ask yourself the simple question, "Do I die now, or do I live?". Do what you must if the answer is "I live".
Living in deep blue Illinois, the calculus is made more complex. A person has to weigh his/her choices against the likely action of the County/State. Truly good advice to think ahead.
The answers to those questions form one of the reasons I seek to relocate to Texas. I've had some MF'er steal my car when I was two house payments away from Bankruptcy. When the cops found it abandoned, there was plenty of evidence that additional crimes had been committed by use of my property. Car thieves never just do the one crime. (Of course, Cops in Washington have little interest in investigating, once a car is found, they'll even threaten to tow and impound it on you.)
Property rights are one of the foundations of civilization. Thievery is an assault on civilization itself, not just the victim.