I used to work in Clark County, Nevada. One of the most peaceful areas in the country. /sarc

One of the other teachers was upset to find a man open carrying at a pizza shop. Not because it was open but because he was carrying. 🤦‍♂️ I decided not to enlighten her because our political/cultural venn diagrams didn't overlap even the minutest amount. All I could think about was "Why was that fool's hands full with pizzas with his means of self-defense that much further away while on open/full display?" 🫏

As you said, Ms. Rita, my response to the upset teacher and the pizza cowboy would have been "You do you," cupcake. 😕

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Rita here, and thanks for sharing this, BPW. I recall hearing an African author on an American interview radio program who was saying that as an African, the most startling thing to him was the way American men allow their women to enter the home first, because as the man of the family, it is his duty to enter the space first to be sure there is no threat to harm his wife or children. That is a cultural difference, but what he said makes a great deal of sense. It also signals what a luxuriously peaceful and safe existence we mostly enjoy in the west.

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Ms Rita

I can relate to your mind set.

My favorite saying is Run Silent, Run Deep.

Back when BLM/ANTIFA was running rampant around the country, I almost got trapped in one of there protest.

The practice of backing a pick up at full throttle came in handy that day.


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