There is currently a movement among some parents to take social media completely from their kids' hands and not return it before the age of 16. You see it among the conservative Christian types. Well that's where I see it. But it's not about "demonic influence" or scary buzzwords. It's about what you yourself have written. Social media and 24/7 news is absolutely bad for kids.

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The political class labors to make all things political ... even our children. It's a kid of Marxist substitute for genuine, thoughtful living.

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It's worse than you think. Destroying the childhood of children is an excuse to prematurely push on them adult subjects they aren't equipped to handle, deliberately, like drugs and alcohol, and yes, Sex. Recall child Drag Queen "Desmond is Amazing" getting doped up on ketamine and stripping for downright demonic gay audiences, and the Media celebrating this child abuse as a means of attaining Fame and Fortune. Any time someone on the left claims that "Grooming" is just something the right made up, I think of Desmond and wonder where he is now, and I know the left is lying.

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