1. The "warning" is not on WFAC letterhead, nor is it signed and dated. The warning also has a TL/DR look to it. Crafted to be ignored or speed-read w/o content retention, right? Good move.
2. Had no idea that Automatic Transmission Fluid was gay. I know that some industrial lubricants used to contain PCB's for their fire retardant properties but what business is that of a gym? PCB's are bad news...skin rashes and such. Does WFAC have a sauna or steam room? That part of Texas is not on my itinerary. No, I don't want to know. It's Wichita Falls, Texas...can't happen there.
^ {Disclaimer. I am a native born Texan.}
3. I went to a gym weight room once. 1986, Wentzel Gym at NTTC Corry Station in Pensacola, Florida. I am not a gym rat myself but when I transferred in I came in "heavy" and knew I had to up my PT regimen. It was hard to PT on a busy Frigate for 4 years and I was pushing 40. That first visit to the weigh room. Wow! The smell, the wall-to-wall mirrors (to what purpose?), the looks of disdain from the 20-something's at my soft 38 year old LTjg self in "issue" PT gear and them in gym-shorts-of-many-colours (Genesis 37:23-24 came to mind). I was frightened. Took up jogging the base perimeter 3 times a week and only used to gym to shower and change cloths (chastely).
That is an awesome sign, and so true of Life and The World.
Too true, Tiffanie. Not a big fan of the ATF either. ☺
1. The "warning" is not on WFAC letterhead, nor is it signed and dated. The warning also has a TL/DR look to it. Crafted to be ignored or speed-read w/o content retention, right? Good move.
2. Had no idea that Automatic Transmission Fluid was gay. I know that some industrial lubricants used to contain PCB's for their fire retardant properties but what business is that of a gym? PCB's are bad news...skin rashes and such. Does WFAC have a sauna or steam room? That part of Texas is not on my itinerary. No, I don't want to know. It's Wichita Falls, Texas...can't happen there.
^ {Disclaimer. I am a native born Texan.}
3. I went to a gym weight room once. 1986, Wentzel Gym at NTTC Corry Station in Pensacola, Florida. I am not a gym rat myself but when I transferred in I came in "heavy" and knew I had to up my PT regimen. It was hard to PT on a busy Frigate for 4 years and I was pushing 40. That first visit to the weigh room. Wow! The smell, the wall-to-wall mirrors (to what purpose?), the looks of disdain from the 20-something's at my soft 38 year old LTjg self in "issue" PT gear and them in gym-shorts-of-many-colours (Genesis 37:23-24 came to mind). I was frightened. Took up jogging the base perimeter 3 times a week and only used to gym to shower and change cloths (chastely).
Hot coffee can kill? NOOO! Say it isn't so!
They failed to mention (at the end of course) that reading the entire thing can cause an aneurysm.