I know I was sad abput the "No S#&@* There I Was" panel 🤔

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Having failed to learn my lesson the time when Harlan Ellison asked for a knife when I was nearby, I'd probably would have handed Ian my multitool. I probably would even have pointed out that it has a crimper for fusing non-electric blasting caps.

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I have a Leatherman MUT EOD. Carried it on my gear for years before Rita decided she liked it.

I should probably wonder why she needs a tool with a demo block punch, a fuse cutter, and a blasting cap crimper, but macht nichts.

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Is a female prow a prowess?

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Prowette? Proweuse?

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Well I got to see a picture of a prowett dancer.

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Untiringly Undeserved....

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If you're needing a nice, small multitool that's easy to carry, I recently picked up the SOG PowerPint Mini from the Jungle River store where the books are sold. It has a lot of tools, isn't huge and has a clip for pockets and the like.

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Are books being sold somewhere yet? I’m late to the party :)

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We will have pre-orders up as soon as we get through the process.

In the meantime, we have short stories by both John Van Stry and Wally Waltner in our anthologies:


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Is that Best of List available on the Discord, or is the panel available on Youtube?

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It will be available to non-Con-goers ... soon.

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