I’ll post about something other than politics soon, I promise. However:
Chuck Schumer (D-Chicken) is busy having histrionics in front of whatever TeeVee camera slows down long enough to film him: “Everyone knows there's waste in government that should be cut, but DOGE is using a meat axe.”
I’d like to remind everyone that Chuck started his career in the Senate of the United States in 1999. If my math is correct, he’s been embedded — like a tick — in the Senate for about 25 years.
In each of those 25 years the National Debt of the United States was not only in existence, but was growing. In 1999 — the first year he was in office — the National Debt was $5,656,270,901,615.43.
Did he do anything about it in 1999? No, he stuck his fingers in his ears and chanted, “La, la, la!”
He was re-elected to the Senate in 2005. The National Debt was $7,932,709,661,723.50.
Did he do anything to fix it? No. He kicked that can down the road, and hoped that things wouldn’t collapse on him.
In 2011, he was re-elected. The National Debt was $14,790,340,328,557.15.
He knew this, but did he do anything about it? No.
His constituents decided — for what ever reason — that they liked him, and sent him back to the Senate in 2017. The National Debt was $20,244,900,016,053.51.
Did he start pumping the brakes? Start cutting some fat? Hell, no.
His current term in the Senate of the United States started in 2023. The National Debt was $33,167,334,044,723.16.
During his career in the Senate the National Debt has gone from 5 trillion dollars to 33 trillion dollars, and he hasn’t done a sodding thing about it.
If he had — I don’t know — done his damned job, then a scalpel could have been the appropriate approach. However, because he and every other moral coward in Congress decided to pretend they couldn’t see the issue, the National Debt has grown to the point to the point that a “meat-axe” needs to be used.
You’ve had twenty-five (25) years to fix the debt. You’ve known that the debt has been an issue for all twenty-five (25) years you’ve been attached to the Public Teat. At any time during those twenty-five (25) years you could have started trimming some fat, and been able to use a scalpel to do so.
But you didn’t. You refused to. You ignored the issue and hoped it would go away.
So. Why don’t you apologise to the American people for failing to do your damned job, then shut your word-hole, and let people who seem to actually want to do something have a go?
Chuck U. Schumer is the epitome of a irrefutable scientific fact all politicians need term limits. I'm of the firm opinion that any elected official should never be allowed more than 12 years in one position or 20 years in politics for a lifetime cap. This term limit should also be made for all bureacrats as well. Furthermore, throw a "bar to re-enlistment" so you couldn't double dip as an elected official AND bureaucrat. And lastly, a 10 year variation of a non compete agreement to work as a consultant or employee for any government contractor, "NGO", charity or organization that recieves government grants or contracts.
Thanks to Biden proving Harry Truman right a billion times over, you also should audit every elected official AND their extended family for 5 years after their term/service is up. No more bribing family for backroom deals.
Oh, and making bribing a member of the federal govt a capital offense.
These should be the next constitutional amendments right after overturning the 16th and 17th amendment plus giving a presidential line-item veto.
I lived in NY upstate from 71 to 78, Chuck the Schmuck vfom Brooklyn was an assembly critter from 74 on and was just as smarmy and slippery there as since moving to the house/senate in DC. Why his district keeps electing him I know not, other than NYC D politics is in total control of the "vote counting". We in upstate hate his guts, but have no say. I pray this cycle is his last.